Weekly Update

Sunday 24 September 2017
A big Thank You to everyone who came out to our Meet the Educator night.  It was so nice to connect names and faces and see just how excited the students were in showing off their space!  I hope everyone was able to take their homework suggestions package home as well as your easy communication reference magnet for your fridges.  If you are missing either of these, write a note in your child's agenda and I will send home another copy.

We hope you were able to take a look at our name art that was posted in the classroom on Thursday.  This was part of a series of discussions on how we are unique just as our names are.  Students are learning that each and every one of them bring individual skills and knowledge that make our class what it is... a welcoming and inviting community.

Our class, along with Mr. D's grade 4 class, have begun a journey centered around the big question "What does it mean to care?"  This deep learning journey will help students to develop their 6 competencies of which our main focus will be on critical thinking.  As your child about our weekly visits with our Grade 4 buddies and follow our twitter account to see students in action.

This week in Language we introduced five word wall words.  Each Monday a new set of words will be written into the agenda for students to practice both at home and at school.  We also continued to work on improving our basic printing skills by practicing individual letters. We have also been exploring how to write sentences that incorporate our word wall words, in our journal.

In Math, students continue to develop their patterning skills by both creating patterns as well as explaining the patterns they have created.  Our focus this coming week will be on sorting skills.

We gathered all the grade 1's twice this week for a launch activity for our Science unit on the seasons.  We created an anchor chart on everything we know about Summer and on the first day of Fall we explored what we currently know about the fall season.  I encourage students to go for a walk in the days to come to see if they can identify hints that 'fall' is around the corner.

This week students brought home their first of many library books.  Our library day is Wednesdays.  Please remind your child to return their books each week so that they can take out more!

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