Happy Thanksgiving

Sunday 8 October 2017
First off, I would like to wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving!  I hope everyone is enjoying quality time with their loved ones.  I look forward to hearing from everyone on Tuesday all about their time away from school.

In math, we wrapped up our exploration of sorting and patterning.  This coming week, we will begin our new unit on number sense and learning all the ways to show numbers.  If you do not already do so, follow our twitter feed to see how we learn to represent numbers to 20.

In language, we continue to add words to our word wall.  Through cheering and incorporating them into our writing, our goal is to make these words familiar to students.  Please continue to practice the words written in their agendas as often as possible. 

This week we also began our participation in the Global Read Aloud project.  The author of focus this year is Mem Fox.  We are very excited to partner up with Miss Kumar's Grade 1 class in Singapore.  This week we will be using their class blog to share our responses to the book Possum Magic.  Once we have begun successfully sharing our ideas, I will post the link to their blog. 

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