Happy Halloween

Monday 30 October 2017
It is hard to believe that we have been in school now for two months! Where has the time gone?  We have been up to quite alot in the past few weeks.  Here is a snap shot of what we have been doing...


  • We are working on writing simple sentences.  Students are being encouraged to sound out unknown words, look around the room as well as use our posted word wall.  Students should be writing our weekly word wall words accurately in their writing.  We have also been discussing how sentences begin with a capital and end with either a '.!?'  
  • In reading, we have been discussing what strategies we can use when we encounter a word we do not know.  Each of these strategies is associated with an animal.  In the weeks to come ask your child about them!

  • Students have been learning all about ways to represent numbers.  We have been learning how to use ten frames, tally marks and picture representations to show a number.  Students have also been learning about how to write the numbers 1-10 using words.
  • We continue to work on how to talk about our math think using weekly number talks.  Ask your child about our number talks and what happens when we talk about number
  • We continue to explore seasons and changes in the weather and how we adapt to these changes.

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